October and November 1977, San Francisco -
Hooker's Ball, Halloween, taking Peter to the airport when he moved to New York

(from my diary) Friday October 28, 1977 - the Hookers Ball
Reggie and I had helped with the decorations that afternoon. Iver was driving Margo St. James in the horse-drawn carriage so we all got in free.
It was packed & most of the people were in costumes. My top fell down & lots of guys were grabbing my breasts. I'd grab their crotches right away & they acted real surprised. One guy ran away & I chased him. When I grabbed him he said, "you can't do that!" and I said, "yes I can!" I went through the crowd, all these people were groping me, & when I came out, the flash unit from my camera was gone. I started crying & then Iver said, "It was a rotten flash anyway." I got some great available light shots anyway.
There were punks there trying to start fights. Reggie & Iver & I went into the girls bathroom - we dragged Iver in - we wanted to fix our makeup, & some girl got mad & also some punks were in there & came up to Reggie & one guy said, "if I see your face again I'll smash it." I got outraged & said, "How'd you like a mouthful of bloody chiclets?" but Iver & Reggie draged me out. We went to the boys bathroom where no one bothered us.
Upstairs were booths for pictures, petitions, cookies, & salads. Reggie & Iver & I stayed up there mostly as it was less crowded. We saw Arthur (this very nice friend of Iver's brother) - he was a volunteer spotter for people sick or passed out etc.
Iver & I left around midnight & went home. Reggie stayed longer, & he & John Apple got sprayed with mace by punks. Reggie said when they left there were police cars & fist fights. It got real creepy.

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